FEB 21, 2017
The Professional Tennis Registry (PTR) named Karl Hale, chairman of Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation as the PTR Humanitarian of the Year at their recent 2017 International Tennis Symposium in South Carolina.
Hale played Davis Cup for his native Jamaica for a decade, serving several years as the team’s coach, and he is a former Fed Cup coach for his adopted country of Canada. Since 2007, he has been the Tournament Director of the Rogers Cup and the Director of Racquet Sports at the prestigious Donalda Club in Toronto.
An International Master Professional, Hale serves on the boards of both PTR and TPA. Yet, he makes time for philanthropic endeavours and makes good use of his pro player contacts. Hale founded the Daniel Nestor Celebrity Charity Event that has raised $1 million-plus for North York General Hospital and Tennis Canada Go for Gold Fund.
Not losing touch with the needs of his homeland, Hale also founded and serves as Chair of Helping Hand Jamaica Foundation, an organization that aims to improve the lives of the next generation of Jamaicans by creating a world class education system through investment in infrastructure, resource materials and expertise.
Hale has taken Serena and other celebs, like San Diego (soon to be LA) Chargers Orlando Franklin and rapper Kardinal Offishall to Jamaica where they picked up hammers and helped to build new schools.
So far, Helping Hands Jamaica has raised more than $1.5 million and built 13 new elementary schools. It has impacted more than 50,000 Jamaican children. The first school raised the literacy rate from 33% to 80% in five years.
PTR is the largest global organization of tennis teaching professionals with more than 15,600 members in 125 countries. Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation is building 4 schools in Jamaica in 2017. To participate as a volunteer or donate, go to www.helpinghandsjamaica.com
For further information: Contact Karen McDonald Gayle (876-381-1848 or info@helpinghandsjamaica.com)